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Saint Andrew for Beginners

Saint Andrew for Beginners
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Our price: £7.99

Author: Rennie McOwan

Come with me and I will make you fishers of men.’

These words were spoken by Jesus to Andrew and his brother Simon while they were fishing in the Sea of Galilee in the Holy Land. The story of how they went on to become the first Christians is among the best-known Bible stories. But how Andrew eventually became patron saint of Scotland makes even more interesting reading.

This fascinating book, perfect for all ages, outlines what is known about the life and times of Andrew. It also contains a short history of the Celtic Church, an explanation of the way Andrew’s name and reputation spread to the shores of Scotland, and takes a brief look at the other patron saints of the British Isles.

Clearly written and attractively illustrated, Saint Andrew for Beginners also contains lots of project suggestions for younger readers.

ISBN: 9780956230782

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